Assessment of burn severity

      • Time of burn injury o In order to estimate the size of burned area, use the Wallace rule of Nines or the ‘half burnt/half not’ approach
      • Mechanism of Injury (flame {clothes or patient caught fire}, flash burn, scald, electrical, chemical)
      • Burn within confined space = possible inhalation injury
      • In children and elderly, always be mindful of potential Non Accidental Injury. Keep good records and keep the clothing.


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    • 41. McGugan EA, Paterson B, Nichol N, Klaassen B. Re: Accuracy of burn size estimation and subsequent fluid resuscitation prior to arrival at the Yorkshire Regional Burns Unit. A three year retrospective study. Burns 2000;26:415-6.
    • 42. Collis N, Smith G, Fenton OM. Accuracy of burn size estimation and subsequent fluid resuscitation prior to arrival at the Yorkshire Regional Burns Unit. A three year retrospective study. Burns 1999;25:345-51.
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