BBA Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

Nicole Lee

BBA Chair and Prevention Committee Chair

I started in burns in 2008 as a band 5 staff nurse working within the burns ITU looking after the burn injured patients requiring multi organ support. I moved into a senior band 6 after completion of my burns and ITU education. I then became the Clinical Facilitator / Senior Sister in charge of burns education for the St Andrews Burns Centre with an interest in Simulation training, I supported Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) with different Simulation training courses. In 2019 I took on the role of Lead Nurse for the London and South East Burns Network (LSEBN) supporting the nursing voice and leading the burns nursing forum in regional burns care delivery. I remain with a keen interest in burns education and Co-Chair of the Advanced Burns Module for University of East Anglia (UEA) and support overseas education with projects in multiple countries. During COVID I supported the London Nightingale for both openings supporting a quick pace change model of care. I moved on to the Burns Matron role in 2020 at Queen Victoria Hospital and then moved on to the Burns Matron role in Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in 2021 as I missed working with the larger burn injured patients. I am a Board member of the British Burn Association (BBA) and of the British Association of Critical Care Nurses (BACCN) where I represent the Board on the European Federation of Critical Care Nurses Association (EfCCNa).

Ascanio Tridente

Deputy Chair and Director of Communications

Dr Ascanio Tridente qualified in Medicine with Honours, holds a master’s in clinical Trials, completed Specialist training in Intensive Care and General Internal Medicine / Acute, completed a PhD, is Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (London) and Fellow of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (FICM). He is the incoming deputy Chair and a current Trustee of the British Burn Association, co-chair of the Special Interest Group in Anaesthetics/Critical Care, BBA representative to the national Burns Clinical Informatics Group (BCIG) and has co-authored the BBA Standards for Burn Care (2023). Dr Tridente holds other roles: Clinical Lead, North of England Network for Burns Care; Associate Editor, Scars, Burns and Healing journal, SAGE, London (international, peer reviewed journal); Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine and Acute (Internal) Medicine, Whiston Hospital, and former Clinical Director of Intensive Care (2018-2022); Clinical Director of Research, Development & Innovation (RDI), Mersey & West Lancashire NHS (MWL Trust), WSN site – (H-index 32, Scopus Author 25226348400, ORCID; Visiting Professor (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK) and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer (University of Liverpool, UK); Associate of the General Medical Council (performance assessor, professional & linguistic proficiency examiner, specialist certification); Careers co-Lead, FICM (Careers Recruitment & Workforce committees); NHS Blood & Transplant regional (NW) education clinical lead in organ donation.

Odhran Shelley

Secretary and Education Committee Chair

Director of the National Burns Unit, St James Hospital, Dublin
Consultant Plastic Surgeon, St Andrew’s Centre for Burns and Plastic Surgery, Chelmsford
Nikolaos Arkoulis - Treasurer
Simon Booth - Research Committee Chair and Nurse, Designated Member
Emily Bridge
Victoria Dudman - Fundraising Committee Chair
Emily Huddleston

Laura Shepherd

Allied Health Professional, Designated Member

I am a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and have worked in the burns service in Nottingham since 2009. I did my doctoral training at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, and have also worked in the areas of cleft lip and palate, major trauma, chronic pain and HIV/sexual health. I enjoy working in burns because of the strong emphasis on the value of the multi-disciplinary team. My particular clinical interest is how individuals adjust psychologically to changes to their appearance due to their burns. I am also a NIHR/HEE Clinical Doctoral Research Fellow and am researching in the area of appearance concerns after burns. I have previously been the Chair and Secretary for the BBA Psychosocial Special Interest Group and continue to be an active member of this group.

Brendan Sloan

Overseas Committee Chair and Anaesthetist/Intensivist/Pain Specialist, Designated Member

Brendan has been a Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care at Pinderfields Hospital, Wakefield since 2016, after training in West Yorkshire and an ICU fellowship in Toronto. He has been a core member of the Burns MDT since his appointment. He is passionate about training and education, having served as ICU Faulty Tutor, as well as helping run local, regional and national teaching on Burns Critical Care for medical, nursing and therapy staff. He is also keen on research, and is the Research Champion for ICU and Anaesthesia at Mid Yorkshire Hospitals. He is a named author on several publications by the Pinderfields Burns team.

Outside of work, Brendan is a keen caver, and is the Medical Officer for the British Cave Rescue Council.
Sankhya Sen - Surgeon, Designated Member and Co-opted
Claire Black - Co-opted