BBA Oral Presentation Prizes


Congratulations to the following Oral Presentation Prize Winners:

1st Prize (generously awarded by Scars, Burns and Healing Journal): Christia Huntington, University of West England for the presentation of a paper entitled “Developing online support for people affected by burn injuries”.
2nd Prize:  Paul Harrison, University of Birmingham for the presentation of a paper entitled “Measurement of Platelet Thrombus formation in Severe Thermal Injury”.


Congratulations to the following Oral Presentation Prize Winners:

1st Prize (generously awarded by Scars, Burns and Healing Journal):  Nicholas Cereceda-Monteoliva, Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead for the presentation of a paper entitled “Early results and initial experience of reconstructing defects with NovoSorb® Biodegradable Temporising Matrix: a UK case series”.
2nd Prize:  Ahmed Abouzaid, Abouqir General Hospital, Egypt for the presentation of a paper entitled “Effect of autologous fat transfer in acute burn wound management:  A randomised controlled study”.


Congratulations to the following Oral Presentation Prize Winners:

1st Prize (generously awarded by Scars, Burns and Healing Journal):  Ciara Harris, Amy Owens, Orla Austin, Pinderfields General Hospital for the presentation of a paper entitled “Resurfacing the Burnt Breast:  A reproducible approach based on lingerie designs and techniques”.
2nd Prize:  Sian Falder, Louise Campbell, Juanita Harrison, Catherine Raraty, Natalie Holman, Jo Moore, Janet Hunter, Julie Short, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool for the presentation of a paper entitled “Going Digital in Burn Care”.


Congratulations to the following Oral Presentation Prize Winners:

1st Prize (generously awarded by Scars, Burns and Healing Journal):  Jozef Verbelen, Henk Hoeksema, Karel Claes and Stan Monstrey, UZ-Gent, Burn Centre, Belgium for the presentation of a paper entitled “Chemical Injury:    Experience with an Advanced Approach.”
2nd Prize:  Peter Drew and Clare Baker, Welsh Centre for Burns & Plastic Surgery, Morriston Hospital, Swansea for the presentation of a paper entitled “Managing a Multi-Drug Resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii (MDRAB) Outbreak in a Regional Burns Centre: Methods, Consequences and Lessons Learned.”


Congratulations to David Wales for winning the Oral Presentation first prize awarded by the Scars, Burns and Healing Journal for the presentation of a paper entitled “Human Behaviour in Dwelling Fires – the Public Experience”.

Congratulations to the joint winners of the Oral Presentation second prize awarded by the BBA to Robert Dinsdale for the presentation of a paper entitled “Dysregulation of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETs) following Thermal Injury” and to Jennifer Heath for the presentation of a paper entitled ” Developing Support Services for Parents of Burn-Injured Children;  Novel Ideas Based on Parents’ Experiences and Opinions about Peer Support”.


Congratulations to Hendrik Hoeksema for his presentation of a paper entitled “Burn Depth Assessment:  Laser Doppler Imaging (LDI) vs Enzymatic Debridement” at the BBA Annual Conference on 11 – 13 May 2016 in Newcastle.

Congratulations to the two runner ups:  Michael Serghiou for his presentation of a paper entitled “Novel Use of a Self-Adhesive Silicone Fabric Sheeting for Managing Difficult Eye Contractions” and Julia Sarginson for her presentation of a paper entitled “The Inflammatory Response to Small Burns in Young Children”.


Congratulations to Ethan Clough for his presentation of a paper entitled ” Are There any Differences between Partial Thickness Burn and Partial Thickness Excisional Wound Healing” and to Warwick Dunn for his presentation of a paper entitled “A Non-Targeted Metabolomics Analysis of Urine to Study Longitudinal Metabolic Changes Following a Burn Injury in Adults” at the BBA Annual Conference on 20 – 22 May 2015


Congratulations to Sarah Bache for her presentation of a paper entitled “Quantifying Airborne Bacteria During and After Burns Dressing and Bed Changes” at the BBA Annual Meeting on 7 – 9 April 2014 in Chelmsford.


Congratulations to Alice Varley, Medical Student, University of Bristol.

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BBA Poster Prizes
BBA Oral Presentation Prizes
A B Wallace Lecture
Matilda Lecture
BBA Laing Essay Prize
Scar Free Foundation Student Electives: BBA Awards